Board of The Directors

Mr. Kosi Ahama is the founder of the organization AKASHA FREEDOM RAYS, INC. He is a healthcare worker as a Laboratory Technician at Montefiore Hospital in New Rochelle New York since 2010. He is the Director of the board and holds the President position of the nonprofit, and has a keen desire in helping the rural population with lack of the healthcare in Africa.
Mr. kosi always says, when we accept the fact that we have a problem, we are more likely to find effective ways to deal with it. Yes together we have the power to help others in need.

Ms. Afi Ahama is a co-founder of the organization AKASHA FREEDOM RAYS, INC.
She graduated from Susquehanna University in Pennsylvania and became a bank worker as Financial Control Analyst at JPMorgan & Chase. She is a Director of the board and holds the position of the treasurer of the nonprofit. Afi dreams to help people in developing countries in Africa. She always says that" Don't tell me the sky is the limit, when there are footprints on the moon".
Monsiuer Kosi Ahama est le Directeur Fondateur de l'organisation AKASHA FREEDOM RAYS, INC. Il est employe a l'hopital de Montefiore New Rochelle a New York en tant que Technicien de Laboratoire depuis 2010. il est l'un des Directeurs du conseil d'administration et occupe le poste du President de l'association a but non lucratif. Il a un vif desir d'aider les populations rurales en manque de centres de sante en afrique. Monsieur Kosi dit toujours:"lorsque nous acceptons le fait que nous avons un probleme, nous sommes plus susceptibles de trouver des moyens efficaces pour y faire face. Oui ensemble nous avons le pouvoir d'aider les autres dans le besoin.
Afi Peniel AHAMA

Ms. Adjo Veronica Kogno Is an associate holder in liberal art and currently working as a Nurse Aid in New York City. She is a board member and keenly devoted in helping the organization to accomplish his mission of making healthcare access the rural areas in the developing countries.
Adjo Veronica KOGNO

Rev. Georges Kossi Amouzou attended his archaeology school at the university of Lome Togo. He also graduated in Theology at Consendai University in Cameroon. He worked with several civil society organizations and NGOs in multiple task. He is currently a chaplain at seventh day Adventist church at Tamale Ghana. He is a Director of the board and will work with the all the supervisors in africa to control all the jobs done. He said, he is ready to put all his experiences in our aim to make the organization accomplish is goal. He always said " Yes we can"
Rev. Kossi Ekao AMOUZOU
Western Africa Manager

Mr. Awoussi Woekpo Gnininvi is an administrative secretary in Togo Lome. He is a Director of the board and holds the position of the local administrator in Togo . He is a tremendous and dedicated worker. he is responsible for rural population information and awareness to events.